
The privileged link between listed companies and investors

Since its creation in 1988, Cofisem has been specialized in the management and the commercialization of an intuitive and dynamic database in 8 languages, which centralizes and archives financial, legal, and corporate governance information on listed companies in the world.

Cofisem offers to its customers:

  • CofisemDocumentLibrary: a search engine (including ‘full text’) applied to all the documents concerning listed companies (nearly 900,000) and archived in PDF format in the Cofisem database.
  • CofisemDataResearch: a search engine applied to all or part of the Cofisem database. Single (including export of company data sheets) or multiple criteria searches enabling the construction of complex queries. The availability of this product is expected by the end of the second half of the year 2023.
  • CofisemDataStream: provision of selected data from the Cofisem database and delivery, at a predetermined frequency, in the form of an XML stream to enable the downloading of all or part of the content in customer sites or databases, and in the form of an XLS file for use in analysis, benchmarking and research.


Cofisem News

Search publications from listed companies by key word or type of document.

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All or part of the Cofisem database with its multiple criteria search engine.

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Provision of selected Cofisem data and delivery in an XML stream or XLS file.
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