Legal notices

Legal notices / Cofisem


SASU (French Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle) with share capital of €200,000.
347 796 435 R.C.S. Paris
Registered Office: 1, rue de Stockholm – FR 75008 Paris (France)

Contact : cofisem@cofisem.com


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All content stored in Cofisem’s websites as well as periodic disclosures of listed companies are published by Cofisem Company for information only. Any use by a third party for commercial purposes is prohibited. Cofisem cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused from the used of third party information disseminated on Cofisem’s website.

All information on listed companies which appeared on Cofisem’s websites is published under the sole responsibility of the listed company which issued it. The date indicated is the date of the first publication by the quoted company, of the reference document in the original language. The translations of documents and of press releases have no contractual character and are indicatively given in order to facilitate for Cofisem’s web sites the access to information. Should a difference of interpretation occurs about the texts, the documents and the press release, only the original version shall prevail. Cofisem does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance or completeness of the content issued by the listed company and taken over Cofisem’s web site nor does it necessarily adhere to it.

The links provided on the web site, which may lead to external sites, are only available for browsing convenience and ease of use. Furthermore, Cofisem has no control over external sites linked by hyperlink to the present site and thus declines all liability with regard to their content. The user alone is liable for their use.

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Copyright Infringement

All elements made available online on Cofisem’s websites are, except when otherwise indicated, the property of the Cofisem Company.
Cofisem, CofisemDocumentLibrary, CofisemDataResearch, CofisemDataStream, their logos and related properties are registered and copyrighted trademark and are protected by the regulations in accordance with the rules in force.

The elements contained in Cofisem’s websites, in particular, texts, logos, brands and icons are protected by the intellectual Property Code. As such, under statutory provisions given by the Intellectual Property Code, the legislative provisions of all countries and provisions under international agreements, no part of Cofisem’s websites may be reproduced, adapted and/or extracted, in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means, without the express written permission of Cofisem. Similarly, any placement of hypertext links toward Cofisem’s websites, any extraction (especially through software program and the use of robots) without the express written permission of Cofisem is prohibited.

CNIL (National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties)

Under the French law, Act number 78-17 of January 6th 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, you have the right to access, modify, correct, and delete any data that may concern you. To exercise this right of access, please contact: Cofisem, 1, rue de Stockholm – FR 75008 Paris.

According to the law, we inform you that the Cofisem’s websites have been declared in FRANCE to the CNIL under the number 748485. For more information on the 78-17 ACT please consult the CNIL website.

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Publication Manager: Geneviève Maillard
Web designer: Pinel Strategies
Photography: iStockphoto
Host Information: CELESTE