

CofisemDataStream provides subscribers with access to made-to-measure data streams covering all the information available in the Cofisem database

(annual, half-yearly and quarterly accounts, cash flow and key ratios of listed companies, Senior Executives and the composition of Boards, Specialized Committees, Statutory Auditors, key financial dates, published documents) in the language of their choice (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch).

E-mail or FTP/SFTP

The data files are delivered electronically: they are either accessible on Cofisem servers or are uploaded directly on the customer’s FTP server, or sent to them by e-mail.

Web Services (available soon)

Access to the information can also be via a Web service on the Cofisem customer’s website.

The flexibility of the XML files supplied by Cofisem enables every customer to:

  • select, from the same stream, a set of listed companies specific to a country, a market where their stock is traded, stock indices, business sectors, etc.,
  • adapt the level of information to their own needs.

It is then possible for every Cofisem customer, if they so wish, to:

  • personalize the data received in line with their own graphic charter,
  • create their own presentations or search engines

Extracts in Excel format, adapted to the specific needs of each business category of Cofisem customers, are also available, for example:

  • Excel © file - Statutory Auditors (including terms of office and fees)
  • Excel © file - Directors (including dates of terms of office and amounts of attendance fees)

